List Your Token on OX Wallet 🚀

  1. Welcome token creators! Increase your project's visibility and reach a wider audience by listing your token on OX Wallet. Our platform is designed to showcase innovative projects and connect them with a growing community of crypto enthusiasts.
  2. Benefits of Listing Your Token:
  3. Enhanced Visibility: Get discovered by thousands of potential users and investors.
  4. Increased Liquidity: Facilitate trading and adoption of your token.
  5. Community Engagement: Connect with the OX Wallet community, gather feedback, and build a loyal following.
  6. Ecosystem Growth: Contribute to the growth and diversification of the OXCH ecosystem.
  7. Fill the form and click [Add Token] button
  8. Confirm Burn 1M OXCH request on your "Not needed until 2024-08-23 "[Free Listing]]
  9. Review and Approval: Our team will review your submission and, if approved, your token will be listed on OX Wallet within 5 Business Days.